We had two break-ins to the QPTC clubhouse this week. The first one on Monday night at 10.40pm was interrupted by a concerned passer-by who reported it to the police.
The door to the side storage room was half smashed in but had not given way. Eddie Crowther kindly came and reinforced the door. Two days later (Wednesday), there was another more determined attempted break-in at the same spot. The time was approximately 8.45pm. This time they successfully smashed through the outer door into the storeroom, and then kicked through the door into the men’s loos. The alarm then went off, alerting local neighbours, and evidently scaring off the intruders.
Nothing was taken, but both doors will need to be fixed at some expense. QPTC is in the process of upgrading the CCTV system to cover that corner, which is presently out of sight.
Again, thanks to Eddie for securing the door a second time (it was after 11pm). This incident was also reported to the police who now have a statement. “Probably kids.” No physical evidence was found. Overall, we’ve got away lightly, and we’re grateful for the help of attentive local residents – Mark Strong, Mark Jones, Pauline – and club members.
Sometimes, it’s tough being a public parks club. We’re posting this to alert all members and locals about potential threats to the building. Stay vigilant, and take care.