Join us for the Wimbledon Ballot (and cocktails) at the clubhouse on Sunday 12 May, at 5pm.
We will be serving Pimms and performing the random ballot to distribute 12 pairs of tickets available for purchase to QPTC members.
The draw will be for the 79 QPTC members who are also members of the BTM and opted in to the Wimbledon ballot. The ballot administrator is Mel Bowden.
Any member that cannot attend but wishes to be in the draw MUST appoint a proxy. If the member the proxy represents is successful in the draw.they must select the tickets at the time of the draw. The proxy MUST declare who they are representing to the administrator prior to the draw.
A list of available tickets (pairs) will be displayed and successful members will be given a choice to select the tickets in order of the draw. If an eligible member is successful but is NOT in attendance and have NOT indicated a preference for tickets they will be offered remaining tickets in the draw.
The successful members details will be forwarded to the LTA along with their choice of tickets. They will then receive details of how to pay for the tickets. Tickets MUST be paid for in the period indicated.
If you choose not to purchase the tickets can you please inform the LTA and Mel Bowden by Friday 19th May those tickets can then be re-issued to the Club. Failure to purchase or decline the tickets by this date will result in the Club losing those tickets
The pair of tickets can only be used by the successful member and their guest.
The ballot will be conducted in accordance with LTA rules, which you can see here.