Update from Mel Bowden:
“The construction has reached the stage that we are awaiting delivery of electric shutters, steel joists and new windows. The windows and shutters have to be custom made to fit the designs and satisfy the strict planning regulations. Our electricians have been instructed to re-site all the lighting control and associated data equipment to the new area under construction.
The East Drive side extension will extend the clubhouse and provide a new area for the power and control distribution system for the floodlights. Looking ahead, this extension will provide space for storage and for a future kitchen/bar area. The Park Side extension will see a new accessible toilet, and small kitchenette available to all members.
Court 1
After two years we continue to lobby the Council regarding the tree that is causing all the damage to Court One. We have engaged everyone from their Chief Executive to individual directors and now the LTA are assisting. The Council have refused to prune the tree even after the Club offered to pay.
Courts 5 & 6
Key pad operated gates are not scheduled to be installed on these courts until October. The Club has finally been granted permission to access power from the clocktower. We are planning to install on court CCTV at the same time as these courts suffer more from vandalism and anti-social behaviour. We would also like to renew the fencing on the park/gate side using the same rigid fence system as East Drive side.”
The directors would like QPTC members to know that every penny the club earns – from membership, pay & play, coaching fees, clubhouse activities etc – goes into improving the infrastructure of the club.