QPTC is pleased to announce that Jimmy Smith has just agreed a long term contract with the club.
The new deal is simply a clarification of terms that allows both QPTC and Jimmy to benefit from his coaching activities. So when you see him working on court, you’ll know it’s an all-round positive, for QPTC members and local kids.
You will probably know about Jimmy, and the excellent job he has done since joining the club last spring.
Our juniors programme has been transformed, with triple the numbers taking part every weekend.
Jimmy has kick started LTA Tennis For Kids classes, introducing dozens of new young players to tennis. See details of forthcoming Tennis For Kids courses here, starting March 2.
Last summer, he launched holiday camps which were very well attended, with new camps schedules for the forthcoming Easter Holidays – see here. This is a popular initiative for kids – and parents.
Jimmy has also organised new LTA competitions at QPTC, for developing players of all standards. This has brought some fantastic young players to our club, and helped raise awareness of QPTC among the Sussex tennis community.
For tennis players of all ages and abilities, Jimmy is hosting Cardio Tennis at QPTC from early March. Find out more here.
QPTC expects to roll out details of a re-modelled junior membership scheme later this spring.

“Jimmy is a do-er, constantly driving the juniors tennis programme at QPTC with fresh initiatives,” says QPTC director Conrad Brunner. “He is busily reaching out to local schools and community groups. And he understands how to use communications and social media to help focus attention on the great programme on offer. We think his drive and enthusiasm will actively benefit the lives of many young people in our area.”