It is time to sign up for the Singles Winter League 2019 -2020 (Previously misnamed ‘Singles Ladder’).
Terry Nevin writes: This will start now and continue through to April 2020. The league is open to ALL standards, you will be playing against others with a similar standard to yourself. Everyone is welcome to take part. It is a great way to meet other members and to keep playing through the year. The more who take part, the better it is. Don’t delay in signing up or you may find that you will have to wait 2 months before the next round.
There is no entry fee.
Deadline: If you want to take part in the singles league please let me know by Monday 16th September. I will issue the league later that week. I will decide which division to put you in by looking at the information you provide to me (see the bottom of this email) and at the results from last year. FYI I have attached last years results.
If you miss the 16th Sept cut off then you will be placed in the bottom division regardless of your standard, so sign up quickly to ensure you are placed in the most appropriate division.
The Singles Winter League Rules:
There will be six in a division.
Everyone has 5 matches to play over an 8 week period.
The challenged player may select the time and location of the match; however, the time and location should be mutually agreeable to both players.
The challenger is responsible for providing tennis balls, in good condition, for the match. It is generally best to have a new can available in case it is needed.
Best of three sets, tie break in the first 2 sets and play it out in the third set.
The winner of the match is responsible for reporting the results within 24 hours, by contacting Terry Nevin ([email protected]), and providing the following information:
Date of the match
Winner’s name
Loser’s name
Match Score
5 points – straight sets win
4 points – 3 sets win
2 points – Lost in 3 sets
1 point – Lost in straight sets
Once the scores are totted up , two go up, two down and two stay.
If you don’t play any matches in a session you will be dropped an additional division to leave space for those keen to play.I will send out occasional updates with results to keep some momentum, but it is up to yourselves to book and play your matches.
If you would like to be included then please provide the following info:
Name …………………………………………….
Summer Parks league Team standard 1,2,3,4,5 or non team standard (delete as appropriate)
email address ……………………………………………
Telephone number………………………………………
I look forward to your application and don’t forget to nudge others to get their entry in quickly.
Best wishes