An Old Boy Returns

Noah Gargano, (right), 12, came to our club last weekend for the LTA Grade 5 Boys U14 tournament run by

Maintenance: Courts 1 & 2

We regret the relative deterioration of the playing surface on courts 1 and 2. The overhanging sycamore on the west

Alan Sanchez: Thank You

Our loyal player, team captain, club secretary and club director Alan Sanchez is leaving us to return home to Spain.

Members News Updates

In the members area you will find our farewell to Alan Sanchez as well as all latest maintenance news. AGM

AGM: Sun 8 Jan

Queens Park Tennis Club C.I.C. Annual General Meeting will take place Sunday 08 January, 2023, 5pm, at the clubhouse. All

Hash Harriers Fun Run

Brighton Hash House Harriers ran 5km around the Downs  The route was 5 km following a paper trail. Safety check