Forthcoming events
Clubhouse works, including QPTC AGM
Tennis events and Competions
Click here for Club Tournament Schedule 2023
The extension works on the clubhouse are nearing completion. These have created a larger space within the clubhouse, increasing event capacity by 20 per cent. A new dedicated storage area has been created, including a new electrical junction box to manage the court lighting. Electronic shutters have been added on the East Drive side.
A new disabled toilet facility has been built. All members are allowed to apply for a fob that gives access to the outside toilet facility. This will be available to members when the clubhouse is closed, or used for a private event. A fob will cost £10. Please ask Alan Sanchez for details. Thanks to directors Mel and Steve, and club member Jacob for their labours.
Queens Park Tennis Club C.I.C. AGM
Sunday 08 January, 2023, 5pm, at Queens Park Tennis Club
All members welcome for the QPTC Annual General Meeting. The directors will produce a full financial breakdown of the club’s activities over the year.
Tennis activities
Club sessions: please note that we have made a small adjustment to our start times:
Mondays: 1-3pm
Fridays: 1-3pm
Sundays: 2-4pm
Monday Night Tennis re-commences Monday 9th January 2023
Enjoy competitive doubles every Monday under lights, 2hrs, 6-8pm under lights, Courts 1-4, £5 per session. Details:
LTA tournaments at QPTC
See details of forthcoming LTA-sanctioned tournaments
Follow Queens Park Tennis Club on Facebook and instagram [queensparktennis]