We are in the process of installing new benches on courts 1, 2, 3 & 4.
The benches on 3 & 4 are approaching the end of their natural lives, and the painted wooden benches on courts 1 & 2 should really be inside the clubhouse and not left out on court all winter.
The new benches have the look and feel of super solid Amazonian teak but they are actually made in Dorset out of old milk bottles and other recycled plastics. See illustration below. These all-weather benches are environmentally friendly, come with a 25 year guaranteed, and have permanent, burglar-proof fixings.
“We manufacture all of our products from 100% Recycled High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) typically used to manufacture everyday products such as water bottles, plastic bags and bottle lids. When recycled it is an extremely hardwearing, versatile material that makes an excellent replacement to wood for multiple reasons,” say NBB Recycled Furniture.
There are now two benches per court, which is better for doubles. Next we have to sort out the coat hooks.
The benches on courts 1 & 2 have been installed, with 3 & 4 (see above) to follow shortly.