Please read details below of latest LTA guidelines on tennis activity. As you will know, QPTC has suspended all club tennis activities including group lessons, club sessions and juniors groups. Also, the clubhouse will be closed until further notice.
Read QPTC Covid-19 policy here
Social distancing:
- Activity should be in line with the Government’s advised social distancing measures at all times (defined by Public Health England as spending no more than 15 minutes and not within a 2-metre distance talking to someone), including when arriving to and departing from a court
- If you are not confident that you can adhere to the social distancing guidance when undertaking tennis activity in doubles format, you should only take part in activity with two players per court
- Social spaces should be closed and should not be used, including changing and toilet facilities
- Use online booking for courts and sessions where at all possible
- A buffer period is likely to be implemented between court booking slots to allow time for players to leave before the next players arrive. For walk-on courts, if courts are in use do not wait at the gate and leave adequate space when players depart.
- Activity should only take place where travel to and from the courts can be done in a way compliant with social distancing advice, with players not travelling together unless they are part of a group residing in the same place
- Players are advised not to change ends during play
- Avoid close proximity when resting
- Ensure no physical contact during games – don’t shake hands or high five
- No extra-curricular or social activity should take place
Further Government information around social distancing is available here.
The Government is advising those who are particularly vulnerable to risk of severe illness from coronavirus (Covid-19) to be particularly stringent in following social distancing measures.
Adopting best practice in relation to hygiene, especially before and after training sessions, including but not limited to:
- Players should wash hands before and after a tennis session without exception (or use an alcohol gel if washing hands is not possible)
- Clean and wipe down your equipment, including rackets, water bottles, courtside benches (if used). Do not share rackets
- For tennis balls, consider using new balls where possible – do not pass on to other friends/acquaintances for use after your own game. Alternatively, each player could have their own tennis ball(s) clearly marked with their own initials and ensure that they are the only person to touch that tennis ball with their hands. For other tennis balls, other methods could be used such as lifting with a foot and racket or scooping up from the ground with the racket
- Avoid touching your face
We recommend using a glove or gloves on your non-serving hand. This should eliminate ball contact.