Queens Park Tennis Club has submitted planning permission to install LED court lighting on its four upper courts.
- Modern, efficient LED lights: directional lighting with minimal spillage
- Ecological report: “Adverse effects upon protected and notable habitats are not considered likely”
- LTA support: “This will help provide tennis to the local community all year round”
- Planning application details on display at QPTC clubhouse
Local residents and club members are invited to visit the QPTC clubhouse to see sample photographs and graphic representations on display. Saturday and Sunday mornings 10am-12midday are the recommended visiting hours.
See link to planning application here.
QPTC directors say: “We are proud of what the club has achieved since QPTC became a self-funding Community Interest Company two years ago. Our courts are used throughout the year by several hundred local people: children, students, parents and older players. We know that successful tennis clubs use year-round court lighting almost without exception, and we believe this initiative will allow us to take tennis to an even wider audience of people in the local area.
“Tennis is good for you – for fitness, human contact and mental health. We believe that a vibrant tennis club in this corner of Queens Park benefits the neighbourhood.”

“Significant advances in LED technology mean that modern court lighting systems are more efficient and more localised. These lights are super directional and the spillage levels are remarkably low. The lights will only be in operation when there is a confirmed booking for individual or group sessions. In accordance with local regulations, the court lighting will not operate after 10pm.”
See the full Highlights report here
Ecological Report
PJC Consultancy Ltd was commissioned to provide a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal for a parcel of land at Queens Park Tennis Club, Brighton. The purpose was to classify the habitats present, highlight the potential of the site to support protected species,
and recommend suitable ecological enhancements and/or mitigation methods where
appropriate. You can read the full Ecological Report here. Key findings:
“Adverse effects upon protected and notable habitats are not considered likely.”
“The proposed works…are considered unlikely to result in significant increases to the existing background levels of artificial lighting”.
“…the proposed development is considered unlikely to result in the loss or degradation of bat foraging and commuting habitat or sever important commuting routes and obstruct access between potential bat roosts and important foraging habitats”
“…direct or indirect adverse impacts on nesting birds are considered highly unlikely as a result of the development.”
“…badgers and their setts are considered highly unlikely to be directly impacted by the proposed development.”
QPTC coach Jimmy Smith says: “This proposal would significantly increase the coaching hours I can offer to QPTC members and visitors. Year round on court lighting will allow me to kickstart a regular weekly after school coaching programme for local kids.”
QPTC’s proposal is supported by the LTA, who write: “The additional facilities will help this community venue provide a more relevant and accessible tennis facility for the local area and strengthen the ability of the club to provide tennis to the local community all year round.
“When looking at the profiles of those people who want to play there is a high number of people who are classed as “working professionals” who clearly only have the opportunity to play during evening and weekends. This provides further justification that floodlights are required in order to allow the club to provide the level of access that these players are likely to demand.”
You can read the full LTA letter of support here
Thanks to QPTC member and first team captain Jacob Chadwick, who has prepared this planning application on behalf of QPTC.
Find out more about Highlights Ltd, specialist floodlighting installation contractors