Terry Nevin, our brilliant tournament organiser, wants as many players as possible to enter the 2019 club competition, which will conclude on Finals Day in September – the most fun day of the year.
“It is already time to sign up for the Club Championship 2019,” writes Terry. “Every year there is a shortage of female entrants in some categories, so ladies please make an effort this year to sign up for as many categories as you can.
“Don’t worry if you think that you don’t stand a chance of winning, just see how far you can get. You might surprise yourself. The more who take part, the more fun it is.
“Please fill in the form at the bottom of this email and return to me asap. Closing date for entries is Sunday 28th April.
Queens Park Tournament 2019 Information and Rules
This is how it works. There are 5 categories ie Men’s Singles, Ladies Singles, Men’s Doubles, Ladies Doubles and Mixed Doubles. Each category will need at least 8 entries otherwise the category will be scrapped. This will ensure that to reach a final you will have played at least two matches to get there.
Finals Day Saturday 7th September or Sunday 8th September 2019 if Saturday is rained off.
The tournament is only open to all paid up members. If you have not paid your membership fees by the start of the tournament, either pay immediately or scratch yourself from the tournament. If your membership lapses during the tournament period, please make sure that you renew at that time.
There is no tournament entry fee. The deadline for entries will be Sunday 28th April 2019. Terry will then determine the pairs for the doubles – this will be a case of pairing strong players with weak players to balance the pairs. You cannot choose your doubles partners. Pauline will issue the draw by Monday 6th May 2019
During the course of the first round if anyone is unable to play due to personal circumstances, eg injury, holidays etc Terry will endeavour to find a replacement for you. After the first round there will be no replacements.
Each round in the draw will have a cut off date, by which time matches need to have been played. All matches are to be played and the results notified by midnight of the ‘To be Played by Date’.
There will be no extensions to this deadline. This is because it is unfair to those in the next round who are waiting to organise their matches. Please do not ask for an extenstion. You are all responsible for organising and playing your match by the ‘To be Played by Date’.
Please email your result to t.nevin@btinternet.com or text 07792130791 within 24 hours of the match being played or put the result on the clubhouse notice board immediately after the match.
If it is not possible to play your match, you can decide amongst yourselves who is to get the walkover, otherwise Terry will toss a coin. If there is no result on the clubhouse board or Terry has not been notified of the result by Midnight of the ‘To be Played by Date’ Terry will toss a coin to see who goes through to the next round. She will try to issue match results fortnightly. Hopefully this will help to keep the momentum going.
If you have any concerns please contact Terry. Have fun and good luck.
Terry Nevin
Contact details:
01273 625469 or 07792130791
email: t.nevin@btinternet.com
You can download the application form here:
Or fill out, copy and paste the text below and email to Terry.
Please complete and return to Terry as soon as possible.
I wish to take part in the club tournament this year .
I have paid my membership fees YES/NO
Name ………………………………………….
Mens Singles yes/no
Ladies Singles yes/no
Mens Doubles yes/no
Ladies Doubles yes/no
Mixed Doubles yes/no
My standard is: (please indicate)
Team standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Non team Standard
I do not wish to take part in the club tournament this year (Name……………………………. Reason……………………………………………………………………………………………….)
Please send to Terry Nevin. Contact details:
01273 625469 or 07792130791
email: t.nevin@btinternet.com