Alan, captain of Queens B & C Teams, has done some excellent deep analysis of our Parks League performances. See his full report below.

Considering the complex strategy of a doubles tennis match, and because of the different roles of each player on the court, these stats are intended to convey the efficacy of different players when in partnership and acting as a team, as often each player in a doubles team will have specific roles, in which one player acts as the person setting up the point and the other as the player finishing the point.
Jacob and Katie (Queens) formed an outstanding partnership winning 91% of their matches. So are the partnerships between Brenda and Wendy (75%) and Charlie Brown and Kate Buchanan with 80%.
For Queens A, the partnership between Jack and Helen, 3 out of 3 matches played (100%), proved to be a successful one. Patricio and Sandrine also did very well managing an excellent 67% success, having won 4 out of 6 matches played.
Queens B’s most successful partnerships were between Al Taylor and Sally (75%) followed by Helen and Aida (60%)
Playing for Queens C, Sofia and Jane’s partnership achieved 100% success (5 out of 5) followed by Rory and Alexandru with 75% success. (3 out of 4).
The most successful partnerships in Queens D were Barbara and Mark Stodard winning 3 out of 5 matches (60%) and Chris Keats and Gaby 2 out of 4, (50%)
In total, Queens A and Queens B both had 40 different partnerships throughout the season, Queens C had 50, Queens D had 35 whilst Queens only had 21 different partnerships.
The conclusion of these stats indicates that pairs that play together more often are in general more productive and therefore more successful. The reasons are obvious, players get to know each other’s game and are able to build a chemistry between them, which players who seldom play together, are unable to do.
Having said that, captains are for various reasons, often unable to keep certain pairs together no matter how successful they are likely to be.
I hope the captains find these stats helpful in determining future partnerships or at the very least informative.
Total Matches won by individuals

Every year on Finals Day a trophy is presented to the player for the League who won the most matches. This year the award went to Charlie Brown. Charlie played 18 matches and won 11, so congratulations Charlie.
However this year, it was decided by the Tennis Committee to acknowledge and reward not only one player but also a man and a woman from each team that met the same criteria. These players have demonstrated, not only excellent tennis skills but enthusiasm and commitment towards their teams by making themselves available for most matches. We hope that by rewarding these qualities, players would be encouraged and inspired to attain greater achievements next season.
Playing mainly for Queens D, not only was Bruno voted the most improved male player this year, but with his usual enthusiasm for the game, he played 12 matches and won 5. There’s no doubt that next season his performance will improve.
Gaby, winning 46.7% of her matches, that’s 7 out 15 matches played for Queens D, demonstrated her consistence and disposition towards the game. Also making their mark with their own personal but effective style of playing were Barbara, Lynn-Ora and Pauline, amongst others.
Several players from Queens C made themselves available for 10 matches or more during the season. Players such as our talented Ellie, the lovely Kirsty and the calm, cool and collected, but accomplished, Sofia. All of them solid players and a delight to play with. Rory showed an impressive commitment to his team; a champion table tennis player, who travels every week from Horsham, plays his match and isn’t seen again until the following week. But there are two players who stands out from the rest, the enthusiastic Alex Rotariu winning 6 out of 14 matches played and the feisty Jane Francis winning 11 out of 16 matches played.
This year Queens B was represented by some skilful and accomplished players such as Nick or “The impenetrable wall” as some of our adversaries described him. Incidentally, Nick has just become the proud father of a baby boy who’s name is Mateo. That’s Mathew to you and me, and I’ve been told that a tennis racket has already been placed in Mateo’s cot. Good luck Nick.
Nick’s partner in crime was very often “Mr Triathlon man”, better known to us as Charlie Baines. Why Mr Triathlon man, I hear you ask, well, this weekend Charlie is raising money for the Martlet Hospice with the help of his swimming trunks a bike and a pair of running shoes. Yes, on the quiet our own chairman is a Triathlon man. Thank you Charlie and good luck. Queens B also had a master of angles, drop shots and volleys, Paul Va Reyk. And let’s not forget “Solid” Sally, and the ‘enthusiastic’ Aida to mention but a few. But the awards went to Alan, winning 11 out of 15 matches played and to our petit and charming Swedish lady with a most becoming sense of style, who is also a demon on the tennis court, winning 7 out of 16 matches played.
A number of players playing for Queens A, such as Sandrine, Josie, Patricio, Stephen and Chris Anderson, distinguished themselves enough to be nominated, but the award went to Doug, winning 7 out of 15 matches played; and to this year’s singles ladies winner, Issie, who won 7 out of 17 matches played. Having said that, another award should go to the whole Queens A team for having achieved what many, including yours truly thought, an impossible task. As we now know, on the last match of the season and in the true bulldog spirit and stubbornly rejecting speculations of an imminent relegation, Sam and his team summoned the courage to prevail refusing to quit and they made an impressive comeback by totally annihilating Saltdean to a 4-0 defeat. Jacob and his team, by also destroying Blagss to a 4-0 defeat, ensured that Queens A remained in the first division where they rightly belong. Well done Jacob and his team Queens, and well done Sam and his team, Queens A.
Jacob’s team, Queens, by having only a limited number of players, demonstrated great loyalty to their captain by playing a high number of games and winning a higher percentage of them. However, the winners were Katie Moorman winning 13 out of 16 matches and as we already mentioned, Charlie Brown.
On the second half of the season some late arrivals to our teams made an enormous difference. Players such as Mathew Cunningham who, as we now know, is far too good to play on a Tuesday. Next year, I’m sure he’ll be playing in the first division. So, thank you Mathew for winning 5 out 5 matches played.
Another player who came to our aid towards the end of the season was Claudia. Claudia’s results speak for themselves, 5 out 5 matches won. Thank you Claudia.
In conclusion, well done to all the winners and thank you to everybody who represented and contributed to yet another successful season for Queens Park Tennis Club.