Holiday Camps at Queens Park Tennis Club, Brighton

Main Camp Weekday Time Option (5 – 16 years)

We will be hosting our next tennis holiday camps weekdays between the 7th – 18th April from 8:30-12:30pm each day, in school holidays for children who want to play learn tennis and have fun. We welcome boys and girls of all standards, ages 5-16 years.  On court activity will commence at 9am.

Cost per player:£30 (QPTC member) / £32 (non-member) per child per day or £130 (member) / £140 (non-member) for the whole week (no on court activity until 9am).

We offer a 10% sibling discount on the full main camp (one per family).

To book your place, please contact Contact: Jimmy Smith, 07966 210692 or book online below, places limited and offered on a first come first serve basis.  Booking dates may be cancelled and refunded due low sign up numbers.

April Easter Camps

Monday 7th – Friday 18th April Book here

May Half-Term Camp

Monday 26th – Friday 30th May

Summer Camps

Wednesday 23rd July  – Friday 15th August


The clubhouse  will open for players to purchase ice creams, drinks and snacks.


To book your place, please contact Contact: Jimmy Smith, 07966 210692

Nb. ‘Member’ means purchased by full adult QPTC member, paying annual subscription.

Follow Queens Park Tennis Club on Facebook and Twitter for latest updates, news, photos and funnies.

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Photo and Video Consent

Queens Park Tennis Club is proud of the tennis coaching offered by our coaching team and like to be able to share the fun our players have playing tennis with others.  To this end we use photos and videos of our players, including adults and children, in our promotional material and on social media.  We presume consent to the use of such photos and videos unless you e-mail us to indicate your refusal of consent:

We undertake to use the images and videos in line with the LTA policy ‘Photography and Recording’ which can be found here.

For clarity, this presumed consent will take the place of the written consent mentioned in the policy above.

If anyone is ever unhappy about the use of a particular photo or video, please notify us and we will remove it.