We regret the relative deterioration of the playing surface on courts 1 and 2. The overhanging sycamore on the west side of Court 1 has long been a cause for concern, and QPTC has flagged this as a problem to Brighton & Hove City Council on several occasions.
The overhanging tree on court 2 has also caused the court to break up in places.
Both courts were pristine in April 2021, when we had them repainted during lockdown (while the resurfacing work was done on courts 3 & 4). Now Courts 1 & 2 will require a full resurface, at significant expense to the club.
To fix this problem in the short term, we have arranged for both courts to be power washed, treated with a binder and repainted in April 2023. This will take place over five days Monday April 17- to Friday 21 April.