Floodlighting and side extension
The Club is working with the LTA to complete the system with an agreed financial package. This will allow us to construct a plant room and bring in 3 phase electricity supply from East Drive. When this is complete we hope to construct an accessible toilet in the existing side store. This will be available to all members, accessible from the outside, so available when the Clubhouse is locked. It will also complete our plans for full wheelchair compatibility.
Clubhouse external repairs and decoration
As part of the handover condition contained within our lease, the Club have negotiated a comprehensive repair and renewal package for all external areas of the Clubhouse. It is hoped the works will be undertaken after October to minimise disruption to the Club. This is a council project, not a QPTC project. We’ll inform members of any movement on this.
Website update
Our QPTC.co.uk website has been updated and upgraded, with a fresh new design which is optimised for mobile. The new website includes a Members Area, which is useful for sharing non-public information, like players contact details. The new members area also includes live video feeds of the tennis courts, available only to QPTC members. (Check them out – they’re rather amazing).
To gain access click on Members Area [top right]
See invitation (password protected).
Enter your email and password of your choice.
QPTC Finals Day
The Best Day Of The Year takes place on Saturday 28 August. All the club competition finals will be contested – mens and ladies singles, mens and ladies doubles, and the Big One – the Mixed final. The clubhouse and bar will be open, and all members are invited. Sunday 29 August will be used as a reserve date in the event of bad weather. Thanks to our tournament director Charlie Brown.
Parks League
Good luck to all our Queens Park teams as we approach the final matches of the 2021 Parks League season. It’s been fantastic to see Parks League tennis back after missing 2020 due to Covid-19 pandemic. Fingers crossed for the future. The BHPLTA tell us: “Due to the number of matches that are outstanding for the 2021 season, the League and Registrations Committee have agreed that an extension of 1 week be allowed in order to complete these fixtures. Therefore all matches must now be completed by the 7th September 2021.” Team captains: The End of Season tournament – which will also see the Parks League trophy presentations – is scheduled to take place on Saturday 18 September, at Hove Park.
Clubhouse security
From Friday 20th August the intruder system will only allow the alarm to be unset and set using fobs only. Each fob has the users name in the system and logs time date and name. The present ‘button A’ reset facility will no longer be available. Personalised fobs will issue fobs to coaches, directors and members who need to enter the clubhouse.
Parks Cup
The annual Parks Cup finals day at Queens Park were an enormous success, with great tennis and a terrific crowd to enjoy the matches and the fun gathering of parks clubs from all over the city. See report and photo gallery here:
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